Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Hot Aff The Laptap...

St Louis Pub Quiz League Championship SUMMER 2015

30th June 2015

Hot off the presses... I'm sitting still in the cafe and have just compiled the league nice and early for you lovely folk- long may it continue! Husbands may not have won tonight, but still consolidated their challenge for a second title. The Toddlers are chasing a second title of their own though, and are still hanging in there... many quizzes to go... Lovely to see a whole bunch of new faces tonight as well- long may that continue also!

The Husbands' Lead is Cut...

St Louis Pub Quiz League Championship SUMMER 2015

23rd June 2015

The Toddlers and the Flugelhorns stole a march on the Husbands last week, but the Filthiest chaps in St Louis have clung on to the top spot! Great to see so many teams taking part already- this week proves to be more of the same great banter, see you there at 9pm!

Monday, 22 June 2015

The season begins(+2)

St Louis Pub Quiz League Championship SUMMER 2015

16th June 2015

Take a quiz league, brew for three weeks and here's what you have! Early days, but the Filthiest Husbands are pulling away from the pack already! Great to see so many new faces already, look forward to seeing you all there tomorrow night for a-nother evening of banter! I think it's up to £160...

Oh, and I realise this is out of turn... I still have to give you guys a wee look at the final standings of last season, so will get the spreadsheet sorted once I'm back at my big ole pile of quiz results!