Tuesday, 19 May 2015

One quiz to go...

St Louis Pub Quiz League Championship Spring 2015

12th May 2015

Here we are folks, with just one quiz to go! The top five looks pretty much sealed up, but what order will the teams be in at the end of the night? Join us from 9pm this evening to find out!
Lots of cracking stuff lined up for you guys tonight, with bonus prizes for our top teams and maybe some treats for everyone as well! Plus a not too shabby quiz jackpot of £80!

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Da update 465

St Louis Pub Quiz League Championship Spring 2015

28th April 2015

We can officially announce that there's just three weeks left of this Spring quiz season, and we'll be wrapping things up on the 19th of May! Champagne for the winners, plus a shiny trophy, plus loads of bonus prizes so still all to play for- can anyone (mathematically) catch the infants? Seriously... I haven't checked... :D

£120 in the jackpot this weeks ladies and gentlefish!