Tuesday, 16 December 2014

With one quiz to go...

St Louis Pub Quiz League Championship Winter 2014/15

9th December 2014

Here we are lovely people- this is how things stand going into the final quiz of the year! Tonight we'll be crowning Filthy Husbands our first quiz champions, and there'll be a trophy and champagne presentation BUT there's still a lot to play for within the top five, and goodies will be available to you all! Can the late Flugelhorn charge overhaul the Quizblorg boys? Can Mynci Tennis squeeze past Storm? Find out tonight!

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

And with two weeks to go...

St Louis Pub Quiz League Championship Winter 2014/15

2nd December 2014

Peer your eyes at the latest standings folks! Our quiz list is officially so long now that Excel can't seem to quite handle it!

The Husbands look home and dry, but there'll be plenty of goodies for our top five teams in a couple of weeks so don't give up!

Our jackpot this week was £160 and AGAIN nobody won... can it rollover until Christmas? I'm off to buy a shiny trophy :D


St Louis Pub Quiz League Championship Winter 2014/15

25th November 2014

Another victory for the Husbands last week, with Flugelhorn getting some good points on the board also, and nobody won the £120 bucks!

Update frenzy!

St Louis Pub Quiz League Championship Winter 2014/15

18th November 2014

Get ready for loads of updates! I missed this one, so 2 points down for me! Another fine victory for Filthy Husbands, who are pulling away from the pack!

It's getting increasingly difficult to read these...